Six Tips for Making Orthodontic Treatment Fun


The idea of getting braces can be a bit intimidating for a child, but it doesn’t have to be. Getting braces can be a positive experience. After the orthodontic treatment concludes, it will leave your child with a healthier and happier smile. This means increased confidence and a better outlook on life. If your child seems a bit anxious about getting braces, be sure to check out our list of suggestions to make your child’s orthodontic treatment fun and easy.

Here’s how to make your child’s orthodontic treatment fun.

If your child shows anything less than enthusiasm for their upcoming orthodontic treatment, these six tips might be helpful. After all, at Must Love Kids we want your child’s appointment to be fun and comfortable.

1. Talk calmly and confidently.

Talk to your child about their upcoming orthodontic treatment. However, rather than asking many questions that could indirectly cause anxiety, focus instead on talking to them calmly and with confidence. Your child will appreciate it if you take the time to lay out the facts on what they can expect. After you have presented the facts, be sure to let your child ask any questions about orthodontic treatment. Be sure to answer those questions with kindness and confidence.

2. Help your child see the benefits of orthodontic treatment.

Continue discussions with your child about the positives of orthodontic treatment and what it will mean for them once the palate expander has done its thing. Your child has one heck of a great smile to look forward to. This will not only boost their self-confidence but also will make for a happier and overall healthier child.

3. Make treatment day a special day.

Make orthodontic treatment day a special day. Getting braces is a big deal, and your child will appreciate any extra time and attention that you can give them that day. Consider spending the morning before the appointment or the afternoon after the appointment together. Go to a movie, go shopping, or find an activity that will interest your child. This unique parent and child time will help turn the day into something to look forward to as well as giving them a special memory to reflect on.

4. Include your child in shopping for braces-friendly food.

Take your child shopping for braces-friendly snacks in advance of the appointment. Children like to have choices. So, instead of running to the grocery store without them, please include them in the decision-making process. The best braces-friendly snacks include:

  • Dairy products such as pudding, yogurt, and soft cheeses
  • Fruit such as bananas, raspberries, and applesauce
  • Hummus and bean dip
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Bread—including pancakes, soft tortillas, and muffins (nut-free)
  • Milkshakes, frozen yogurt, and smoothies
  • Soft vegetables (get their favorite veggies and steam or boil them)
  • Deli meats and soft chicken

5. YouTubers do braces too.

Show your child videos of YouTubers who have braces. We’ve made it easy by providing a handful of links for you from Jess Conte, Jess and Gabriel, and That’s Hope. Sometimes, it can help kids see that other kids, or people they admire, have braces too and have been all the better after their experience. This YouTube braces video from This is How We Bingham does an excellent job of helping your child adjust to school attendance with braces.

6. Don’t forget the wax.

Don’t forget the orthodontic wax. Your child may experience some irritation or mouth sores after their braces are fitted. Though this discomfort will subside over time, you can make this more manageable for your child by buying them some orthodontic wax. This wax serves as a protective layer around the brackets, which helps reduce the rubbing of the braces. Your child may enjoy picking out colorful orthodontic wax instead of the plain clear wax.

One more thing…

Even with these six tips, we can’t emphasize enough the importance of providing words of encouragement to your child. Even with the best of efforts, wearing braces can make your child feel a bit self-conscious. Be sure to compliment your child’s smile while wearing braces, and focus on the positives. If your child gets uncomfortable in any way during their orthodontic treatment, be sure to contact your pediatric dentist or the Must Love Kids team for suggestions on how to make the experience a bit easier.

Let the Must Love Kids team help make your child’s orthodontic treatment fun!

At Must Love Kids in Vancouver, WA, we want nothing more than to create an excellent orthodontic experience for you and your child. If you have been searching online for a pediatric dentist near me, or a child’s dentist near me, and you are located in the Vancouver area, then look no further. We’re here and happy to help answer any questions you might have about early orthodontic intervention or any other dental concern.

Be sure to contact our office at (360) 443-5404 or request an appointment using our convenient online form. We look forward to meeting you!