10 Reasons Pediatric Dentists Love What They Do


Pediatric dentists are your kids’ best friends!

Researchers predict that pediatric dentistry will grow by 60% over the next decade. There’s a reason for the influx of interest. This is one of the most rewarding, innovative, and patient-driven fields in the industry. Dental professionals who enter this sector are driven to make a difference, one tiny smile at a time.

Today, we’re sharing 10 reasons pediatric dentists absolutely love what they do. While this job might be challenging at times, there’s nowhere else we’d rather be!

1. Our Pint-Sized Patients

One of the top reasons pediatric dentists love coming to work every day? The tiny patients, of course!

Kids are naturally honest, hilarious, and a joy to be around. While there might be a little hesitancy at first, we try to provide an environment that caters to their growing, playful mind. From our brightly colored decor to the toys and games in our waiting room, there’s no second-guessing the clientele we cater to.

2. The Chance to Introduce Healthy Habits

We know great dental care starts early. That’s why we love talking to children about the importance of brushing, flossing, and snacking smart from an early age. Even if they’re only polishing baby teeth, these daily habits can make a major difference.

It’s inspiring and encouraging to play a role in setting this foundation. As your child grows, we’ll continue to explain important concepts and share helpful tips to prevent cavities and keep their teeth healthy and strong.

3. Calming Fears

We get it. Going to the kids dentist can be an unnerving experience, especially for first-time patients. Yet, one of the most rewarding parts of our job is eliminating those fears and anxieties in young children. We love the opportunity to explain what we’re doing in simple terms and help them look forward to visiting our office! We’ll use our time together as an opportunity for discovery, identifying every tool we use and why we’re using it.

We’re also well-stocked with plenty of stickers, toys, and other treats to help comfort your child at the end of their checkup!

4. The Families and Community

We like to think of ourselves as more than a team you see twice a year. As we clean and treat your children’s teeth, we get to know your family too.

In time, we’ll learn which flavors of toothpaste one child prefers over another. We’ll discover which sibling prefers superhero toothbrushes and which one wants princesses. We’ll address any concerns you have as their primary teeth come in and help guide you toward the proper treatments if any are required.

That’s because you’re far more than a name in our system. You’re an important part of our community, and we love adding new families to our circle.

5. Our Dedicated Team of Professionals

Pediatric dentists aren’t just passionate about what they do. It’s a calling! These professionals have additional specialty training in addition to dental school to learn about children’s unique oral health needs.

As such, we’re a team that’s bonded together with a shared interest in this particular realm. As we work and learn alongside one another, we relish the opportunity to grow and encourage one another along the way.

6. Providing Restorative and Preventive Treatments

We’re in the business of making kids smile. If your child needs any form of dental treatment, we’re available to help restore and renew their appearance, along with their confidence.

A few examples of the services we provide for our pediatric patients include:

7. Stepping in for Emergency Care

We’ve walked our patients through some of the most unnerving moments in their lives. Did your active child fall and knock out a permanent tooth? Did they chip their tooth or cut their cheek?

These situations are no fun, and they can leave parents searching for quick answers. We’re happy to be that resource for you, providing the emergency care your child needs in times of distress. We’re well-versed in childhood dental emergencies and know the proper steps to take to ensure a successful outcome.

8. Watching Milestones

When you bring your toddler in, we’ll show you how to brush teeth that are smaller than a pinkie nail. Then, we’ll be one of the first ones to notice when those baby teeth start to feel a little loose. When that time comes, we’ll help you step into your new role as the Tooth Fairy with confidence!

We’re also there when it’s time for them to transition away from a binky, pacifier, or thumb and find another soothing mechanism. Down the road, you’ll call us when your school-age child signs up for basketball and needs to be fitted for a sports mouth guard. We cherish these age-related milestones and love walking through them with you.

9. Helping Children With Special Needs

Our dentists, hygienists, and staff members aren’t just skilled in pediatric dental care. They also have special training to help children with special needs feel especially at home in our office.

In fact, our pediatric dentists have additional training centered on assisting individuals with medical and developmental needs.

We use a variety of behavioral techniques to help calm every patient, with a specific approach tailored to your child. From showing a television show during treatment to performing knee-to-knee exams, we enjoy taking the time to understand what each patient requires and how we can help.

10. The Fun Work Environment

We’ll be honest: Our workplace is more like a playground, in the very best way. You won’t find any scary tools or intimidating machines here. Rather, you’ll encounter colorful decor, video games, and plenty of prizes!

We’re serious about our studies and are dedicated to providing premium dental care, but we also love to have fun! For an up-close look, we invite you to tour our office to see how bright and interactive it is.

Meet our pediatric dentists today.

There are a host of reasons why pediatric dentists are smiling widely underneath their masks. This profession is uplifting, challenging, and heartwarming, and we feel all of those emotions every day.

If you’re looking for a new place to take your child, we’d love to share more about what makes our office unique. Contact us today and let’s connect!