5 Signs Your Child Could Benefit From Pediatric Orthodontics

Does your child need pediatric orthodontics?

Children may need pediatric orthodontics for many reasons.

When you hear the terms “orthodontics” or “braces,” you may think that they are just ways to straighten smiles, but there are actually many cases that benefit from orthodontics. Pediatric orthodontics exists because of the importance of keeping your child’s oral health on track. At Must Love Kids, Dr. Mo and the team are ready to help you determine if your child would benefit from pediatric orthodontics.

5 Reasons Your Child May Need Pediatric Orthodontics

Orthodontics isn’t just about straightening teeth; in fact, orthodontics can solve a whole host of oral problems. Here are 5 reasons your child might benefit from early orthodontic intervention.

1. Irregular Spacing or Crowded Teeth

Sometimes the mouth becomes crowded due to the way the teeth erupt. If this is the case for your child, they would benefit from orthodontic intervention to create enough space for the permanent teeth. Braces help by spreading the teeth out to make room for those that are still trapped beneath the gums. Palatal expanders are also useful in opening up the bite, which also helps make room for adult teeth to come in straighter.

2. Thumb-Sucking Affecting Tooth Alignment

Thumb-sucking, especially when it is frequent, can affect the shape of the palate and the way a child’s teeth come in. If your child is between 2 and 4 and hasn’t yet stopped sucking their thumb or fingers, your dentist might recommend a special appliance to help them break the habit. Older children may require braces to realign the teeth into their correct positions.

3. Difficulty Biting or Chewing

If your child is having trouble biting or chewing their food, have Dr. Mo evaluate your child’s bite and jaw structure. If the bite doesn’t line up properly, everyday actions like eating can become difficult for your child. Orthodontic appliances can gradually adjust their bite alignment and encourage proper function.

4. Speech Difficulty Due to Dental Structure

Believe it or not, if your child’s teeth don’t erupt properly, it can affect the way they speak. If you notice your child is struggling with their speech, ask your dentist to perform an orthodontic evaluation to see if braces, a palatal expander, or even space maintainers would benefit their oral development.

5. Premature Loss of Baby Teeth

If your child has lost baby teeth before it’s time for the permanent ones to come through, your dentist may suggest placing space maintainers. The job of space maintainers is exactly what it sounds like: maintain the space for the adult teeth to come in correctly when it’s time. By holding the space and preventing other teeth from shifting, space maintainers help your child avoid the need for more complex dental intervention later in life.

Prepare your child for life with orthodontics.

If your child needs orthodontics to help straighten their smile and align their bite, they might be hesitant about wearing braces or dealing with palatal expanders. 

The first thing you as a parent can do to prepare your child for orthodontics is to have an open dialogue about why they’re necessary. Be honest about the reasons for having to wear braces and discuss the benefits of fixing their dental issues early on. Remember: Patients typically only wear orthodontic devices for 18 to 24 months at a time, so your child will have a better bite and straighter smile in no time.

Your child may also worry about the extra care that goes into brushing and flossing when they have braces. While it may take a bit of time to get used to brushing and flossing with braces, as it is harder to get around the metal brackets and wires, remind your child that it only takes a few extra minutes a day to thoroughly clean their teeth. Assure them that there are special dental products that can help them clean in between teeth, beneath the wires, and around the brackets.

Lastly, reassure your child that once their braces are off, they’ll have a lot more confidence in their smile. That confidence will boost their self-esteem and, in turn, can even positively affect their academic achievements. Who would argue with better grades and a confident smile?

Visit the Must Love Kids pediatric dental team for an evaluation.

Pediatric orthodontic treatment is more common than ever, and your child probably has friends who are already wearing braces. This normalization of orthodontics is encouraging more and more children (and adults!) to embrace orthodontics to achieve the straight, healthy smiles they have been dreaming of. At Must Love Kids, we help our patients in their straight-smile journeys every day.

To see if your child would benefit from orthodontics to fix their smile or bite, book an appointment at our Vancouver, Washington, office today for an evaluation with Dr. Mo!