Setting It Straight: What Crooked Teeth Do to a Child’s Self-Confidence

Don't let crooked teeth hurt your child's confidence.

Building self-esteem is crucial for a child, but one of the things that may be preventing them from feeling as confident about themselves as possible might be their teeth. 

Malocclusion—crooked teeth, in other words—can affect your child’s life by making them self-conscious as they try to make friends and even potentially making them less willing to speak up in class. 

With that said, if your child has crooked teeth, turning to a dentist for kids can help them work their way toward straight teeth that’ll help them feel as confident as they deserve to be.

The Visible Challenge: How crooked teeth affect self-perception.

One of the first things that people of all ages notice about others is their smile, but with that in mind, a child who knows their teeth are not as straight as they should be may feel inferior to children who do have straight teeth. 

Pop culture portrayals and societal expectations of beauty also play major roles in the issue; children with crooked teeth could see that theirs are different from those of the celebrities that they watch on television and online, which can lead to long-lasting self-esteem issues.

Affects of Crooked Teeth on Social Interactions and Peer Dynamics

Most children are not known for their tact, so a child with crooked teeth might receive comments from their peers that make them feel self-conscious or shameful, both of which could have a serious impact on how they perceive themselves over time.

Children who struggle with malocclusion may also hesitate to smile, potentially making them seem less friendly and unintentionally turning other children away who may want to approach them, leading to feelings of isolation. 

Academic and Extracurricular Impact

A child that is ashamed or embarrassed about their crooked teeth may hesitate to raise their hand in class to answer questions, and that could impact how teachers perceive them; it could even result in them being reprimanded for not participating in class. 

Self-confidence impacts all areas of life, so a child with malocclusion may not feel confident enough to apply themselves to extracurricular activities; if they love to sing, for example, they may still hesitate to sign up for chorus or other similar activities because they’re afraid to show their teeth. 

They may even hesitate to show off their basketball dribbling skills or their aptitude for dancing, even if those activities do not impact whether people see their teeth or not, out of fear of interacting with multiple people and showing their teeth in the process.

Nurturing Confidence Through Orthodontic Solutions

The best way to address malocclusion is to turn to pediatric dentistry solutions; with so many options available, from braces to retainers and even near-invisible options, your child can get the help they need to achieve and maintain a beautiful smile. Orthodontic treatment offers children the chance to gain the self-confidence they may have lost. 

Parental Support and Communication

If your child is experiencing bullying or feels ashamed of their teeth, you need to speak to them and offer the support they need, even if you’re already in the process of getting them orthodontic care. Encourage them to speak honestly about how they’re feeling as well.

In addition, you’ll also want to ask them whether they have any worries about receiving orthodontic care; it’s natural for some children can be afraid of the process, especially if they don’t know what to expect, and that can lead them to not be entirely sure whether they can or should talk to you about it. 

Ask what they think about kids’ braces and whether they’re worried about being teased for having them; by opening up the conversation to include any fears they may have, you can address these issues so that they begin their treatment with the right attitude. That, too, can boost their self-confidence. 

One last, albeit excellent, way of offering your child the support they need is to speak about your own experiences with orthodontic treatments, if you’ve had any. Share what your fears were when getting kids’ braces so that your child knows their worries are normal. 

Braces for Kids: Helping your child achieve a radiant smile.

Children who don’t have confidence in themselves or who have to deal with other children making fun of them because of their crooked teeth can end up struggling, but by turning to orthodontic treatment and getting them braces for kids, you can offer them the chance to regain their self-esteem and start enjoying their lives with more confidence in who they are. 

At Must Love Kids, we offer a number of orthodontic services to meet your child’s exact needs. We are a dedicated group of people ready to offer orthodontic evaluations to put together the individualized care plan that can offer the results your child deserves. Request an appointment with us today.